Structures Workshop

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Architects & Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7

Erik Nelson participated in the Architects & Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 response to "Vigilant Guard" Exercise in Exeter, RI on Wednesday, August 1, 2012.  We went to inspect various building and determine whether they were safe or required various placards limiting access.   Here are some photos of the exercise:

AEER-TF7 is trying to understand how to properly inspect damaged buildings after an extreme event.   We inspected and filled out ATC forms at 4 different buildings.  These forms require comments such as "percent damaged" (this may be area of damage - or - cost of repair/replacement, and if cost could it be more than assessed value or property?  Broken windows in a distressed area may account for 50% of the assessed  value of property but only 5% of the area of damage, etc).  Also, we discussed what types of damage should be red and not yellow - since many of us used placards differently.

It was a very succesful event for us second responders.